Unravelling the Mystery of Your Shaking Dog: 4 Reasons to Explore

Unravelling the Mystery of Your Shaking Dog: 4 Reasons to Explore

Watching our beloved canine companions shake or tremble can be perplexing. It’s almost always a concerning experience. As pet owners, deciphering the root cause behind our dog's shaking episodes is a priority. Whether it's a sudden bout of shivering, anxiety, or a sign of an underlying health issue, understanding and addressing this behaviour is crucial for our furry friends' well-being.

In this blog, 'Unravelling the Mystery of Your Shaking Dog: 4 Reasons to Explore,' we delve into the multifaceted reasons behind why dogs shake. We also provide five comprehensive solutions to help pet owners navigate and address this puzzling behaviour. 

1) Shaking with Anxiety

When dogs feel anxious or stressed, they often exhibit a range of behaviours to cope with their emotions. Shaking is a common response. This trembling or shaking can be a physical manifestation of their nervousness, akin to how humans might experience trembling hands or a quivering voice when they're anxious.

Dogs have a sympathetic nervous system, and when they feel anxious, this system activates. Once the system activates, it triggers a release of stress hormones like adrenaline. This physiological response can lead to involuntary shaking or trembling as their body reacts to the heightened emotional state.

The shaking might help them release some tension or excess energy caused by the stress. Somewhat like a self-soothing mechanism. It's important for pet owners to observe their dog's body language and provide comfort or remove them from stressful situations to help alleviate their anxiety. Consulting a veterinarian or animal behaviourist can also offer strategies to manage and reduce their anxiety for a happier and healthier pup.

Ways to Reduce Dog Anxiety

Snuffle toys can be effective in calming dog anxiety by engaging their natural instincts and providing mental stimulation. These toys encourage dogs to use their sense of smell and work to find hidden treats, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety. 

Steps to use Snuffle Toys to Calm your Dog

Choose the Right Snuffle Toy

There are various snuffle toys available in different shapes, sizes, and difficulty levels. Pick one that suits your dog's size, preferences, and skill level.

Introduce the Toy

Initially, introduce the snuffle toy to your dog when they're calm and relaxed. Let them sniff and explore the toy without any pressure.

Hide Treats or Kibble

Start by placing some high-value treats or regular dog kibble in the snuffle toy's hiding spots. Make sure the treats are easily accessible initially, allowing your dog to understand the concept of finding food.

Encourage Exploration

Show your dog how to use the toy by moving it around and demonstrating how to find treats. Encourage your dog to engage with the toy by sniffing and foraging for the hidden treats.

Increase Difficulty Gradually

As your dog becomes familiar with the toy, make it more challenging by hiding treats deeper within the toy or using larger toys with more hiding spots. This keeps them mentally stimulated and engaged.

Regular Sessions

Schedule regular play sessions with the snuffle toy. Incorporate it into your dog's routine to provide mental stimulation, especially during times when they may feel anxious or stressed.

Supervise Initially

Especially with new toys, supervise your dog initially to ensure they interact with the toy safely and don't ingest any non-food materials.

Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward your dog when they use the snuffle toy. This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue using it and associates the toy with a positive experience.

Rotate Toys

Introduce variety by rotating different snuffle toys. This prevents boredom and keeps your dog engaged with different challenges.

Consider Professional Help

If your dog's anxiety persists or worsens, consider seeking guidance from a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer. They can provide additional advice and techniques to help manage your dog's anxiety.

Remember, snuffle toys are just one tool in managing anxiety in dogs. Combining their use with other calming techniques such as exercise, training, and a calming environment can be beneficial in reducing overall anxiety levels.

2) Hurt and Shaking

Dogs often shake when they are hurt due to a combination of pain, fear, and stress. When a dog experiences an injury or pain, their natural response can involve trembling or shaking as a way to cope with discomfort. This shaking can manifest as a physical reaction to the pain they're feeling, similar to how humans might shiver when they're cold or in pain. Moreover, fear and anxiety also play a role in this behavior. 

Dogs might feel scared or stressed when they're hurt, leading to involuntary shaking as a response to the emotional distress they are experiencing. Shaking, therefore, becomes a visible indicator that something is wrong and can prompt caregivers to provide the necessary care and attention to address the dog's pain or injury. It's crucial to approach a shaking dog with care and seek veterinary assistance to determine the extent of their discomfort and provide appropriate treatment.

3) Trembling with Excitement

When dogs experience excitement, their bodies often respond with a physical reaction, such as shaking. This shaking or trembling is a manifestation of their heightened emotional state.

Excitement triggers a surge of adrenaline, leading to increased heart rate and a rush of energy. Dogs may shake as a way to release this excess energy and excitement. 

Additionally, shaking can be a part of their communication or body language. Signalling joy and eagerness, especially when they're anticipating something enjoyable, like playtime, going for a walk, or a snuffle toy from their favourite brand Snuffles Shop… Overall, shaking when excited is a natural response for many dogs, and it's typically a sign of their enthusiastic and positive emotional state.

4) Neurological Disorders and Shakes

When dogs experience neurological disorders, shaking or tremors can be a symptom indicating an underlying issue affecting their nervous system. Neurological problems can encompass a wide range of conditions, including epilepsy, vestibular disease, degenerative disorders, and more. The shaking in these cases is involuntary and differs significantly from the shaking associated with excitement or joy.

In neurological disorders, the shaking might manifest as tremors that occur without any apparent external stimuli or emotional triggers. These tremors can vary in intensity, frequency, and duration based on the specific condition affecting the dog. For instance, epilepsy might cause dogs to have seizures characterised by shaking and convulsions, while other conditions like degenerative myelopathy or certain brain diseases might lead to tremors or involuntary muscle movements.

It's crucial to note that shaking alone might not pinpoint a specific neurological disorder, as it could also be a symptom of various other health issues. A comprehensive veterinary evaluation, which might involve neurological exams, blood tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures, is necessary to determine the underlying cause of the shaking and provide appropriate treatment tailored to the dog's condition.


Understanding the diverse reasons behind a dog's shaking emphasises the need for tailored care and attention. While anxiety and excitability often contribute to this behaviour, utilising tools like snuffle toys from Snuffles Shop can play a pivotal role in managing these emotions.

Snuffle toys offer a unique way to engage a dog's senses, providing mental stimulation that can significantly alleviate anxiety. By following the steps outlined in using these products, pet owners can introduce a proactive approach to help their dogs cope with stress or nervousness.

Furthermore, recognising shaking as an expression of excitement underscores the positive emotional spectrum of our furry friends. Snuffle toys, designed to engage and entertain, can be integrated into moments of joy and anticipation, redirecting their excess energy into a fun and mentally stimulating activity.

In instances where shaking indicates underlying health concerns, such as neurological issues or pain, it's crucial to seek professional guidance and medical attention. Nevertheless, for anxiety and excitability, incorporating Snuffles Shop's products into a dog's routine offers an accessible and beneficial method to promote mental well-being and manage these emotions.

In conclusion, by understanding the nuanced reasons behind a dog's shaking and utilising innovative tools like snuffle toys from Snuffles Shop, pet owners can actively contribute to their dog's emotional health and overall happiness. These products serve not only as sources of enjoyment but also as valuable aids in addressing anxiety and excitability, enriching the bond between pet and owner.

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